Barcelona (or Barce-tha-lon-a, if you want to pronounce it like the Spanish) was amazing. It was super hot, sunny, chilled-out and pretty funky.
Obviously the highlight was and always will be La Sagrada Familia. A tall, amazingly detailed, yet unfinished masterpiece of the late Antoni Goudi. They have plans to complete this magnificent building by 2026 for the centurian of his death, whether they will or not is yet to be seen. Some believe the magic is in the fact that it is still unfinished. It’s the tallest building in Barcelona (and will be 170m when it’s completed), however it won’t be as tall as Montjuic (Barcelona’s highest hill) because Gaudi believed nothing mad-made should be taller than God’s work. I was told by two good friends that it’s definitely worth going inside the Basilica. So we paid the steep entry fee and went on in. It did not disappoint.

Gaudi’s passions were his religion and nature. This is seen in the detail and thought that went into every nook and cranny of the Basilica inside and out. It has to be seen to be believed.
La Sagrada Familia was the main attraction of our day in Barcelona. It was a very hot day, so we cruised round the beach and shared a massive jug of Sangria. We also walked up a hill in a park in the heat of the day… not the best decision. Far too hot for those kind of shenanigans.

Barcelona was awesome. I want to explore it more, drink more Sangria and eat more Churros.
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